The wisteria is ramping up, halfway to its big show,

2 dutch iris have color showing tonight,

buds are swelling on the bearded iris,

the biokova is blooming, and I see tiny, tiny baby plums on the Santa Rosa. It must be time to plant! Spring is here! I've seen tomato plants at the nursery, summer annuals too. But wait just a minute. This is one of those times of year that requires a gardener to dig around not in the ground but in the depths of whatever patience a gardener in spring might have remaining and just..stop. Those tomato plants and annuals are tempting, but another week or two or three might be a better time for planting them. Some nights are still dipping into the 40s and that makes summer planting a gamble. At least I haven't seen peppers and eggplant starts yet...those two will likely never recover if planted too early, too cold. So the gardener might indulge in a
GADS attack (as my friend Carol would say)... doing a bit of pruning, maybe prepping a new garden bed, certainly weeding out all those spring weeds before they think they're allowed to move in permanently. Of course, the really impatient gardener might have put up her Wall Of Water a week ago and gone ahead and snuck a tomato plant in today. A gardener's got to do what a gardener's got to do.
There is nothing like a blooming wisteria. Enjoy.
We are waiting in Indiana, too, but have to wait a bit longer... all the way until mid to late May to plant tomatoes and peppers!
"A gardener's gotta do what a gardener's gotta do." Yup. I couldn't agree more.
Gorgeous wisteria!
It's beautiful! I imagine the smell is fantastic...gail
You may be waiting for your wisteria... but "halfway to its big show" is still amazingly gorgeous! :)
Yes, it's so hard to be patient this time of year. At least you've got the wall o'waters. I don't think that works with ornamentals.
The Wisteria looks lovely. I have to take mine more firmly in hand (or is it pruner?).
Good information. I stopped two people from buying tomato plants today. I said "Too early." Another guy went on and bought them. I know just how he feels.~~Dee
So much beauty about to burst forth in your garden ... it's very hard to wait!
Wow, if that's what you call ramping up! I am truly jealous of your wisteria and not afraid to say it.
I really need to plant more wisteria... they are so fabulous.
After installing Geothermal Heat Pumps you can make a cute garden over it !
I'm quite sure that the nurseries put plants out early in hopes that you'll buy them and plant them. Then after the plants freeze, you'll have to buy the plants AGAIN. You have the prettiest wisteria I've every seen.
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