Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, the day when
Carol at May Dreams Gardens invites us all to share what is blooming in our personal part of the world, finds my personal part of the world waking up. The fava beans are still blooming and are now
covered with blooms. But I have yet to see any beans. This is the first time I've grown these so I'm trying to be patient.

The Felicia amelloides have bloomed most of the winter and aren't about to stop now.

Loropetalum chinese is blooming nicely...for the first time! It has only had a few blooms in the past. Since it needs partial shade in our hot climate I chose a spot near the fence and a four foot tall boxwood. I'm thinking this is a bit too shady for it's liking. But now that it's had a few years to sulk it looks like it may have changed its mind and decided to be happy.

Viburnum 'Spring Bouquet' has a lovely light fragrance. Behind it is the boxwood and behind
that is the loropetalum.

The white potato vine, Solanum jasminoides, is coming back into bloom after a month or so off.

Tulbaghia fragrans has likewise quit sulking...I divided this plant about two months ago and it coasted for a while but now has decided it is going to be happy after all.

A few grape hyacinths have popped up near the new shorter Felicia.

The Banksia rose is just in time, being kind enough to offer 20 or so blooms for bloom day. In a week or so it will be a mass of blooms...almost more than is decent. But I guess since it's a once a year event it thinks it need to go all out.

The first succulent bloom of the year is very sweet. I am not, however, sure just what succulent this is.

Chrysanthemum paludosum blooms along the front walk.

Iberis blooms around the yard. And literally just in time for Bloom Day is the first wisteria bloom...barely open.

Not in bloom but
almost there are freesias...I will be checking before dark tonight just in case!
In addition to the above, also blooming are:
Santa Rosa plum
Ornamental plum Krauter Vesuvius
Ornamental plum Purple Pony
Dwarf Carnation Evermore
Garden peas
Anisodontea Very Cranberry
Lavender pinnata bucchii
Rosa Flower Girl
Evergreen clematis Avalanche
White carnation
Ornamental pear Bradford
Rosemary Tuscan Blue
Camellia Chandler Elegans
Camellia Jordan's Pride
Leucojum aestivum
small narcissus planted last year after bloom from gift pot