My friend Barbara at
Mr. McGregor's Daughter has invited us to post about our houseplants, perhaps allowing any snowbound gardeners to feel as if they are strolling through the garden. I believe the instructions are to post the total number of your current houseplants and so I did a quick count. I found exactly 30 plants living indoors today...down a few from a year or so ago. That reminded me that I discarded all my African Violets and a few other scraggly plants last summer when I decided that they needed to be put out of their misery. I also realized that the majority of my plants are pothos. I hadn't really noticed that before but there are a few reasons they are in almost every room here. Pothos are easy to grow, tolerate pretty much any light situation and they are one of the best plants for
improving the air quality in your home. Besides that they are inexpensive, easily found and I just like the way they look. Please visit Mr. McGregor's Daughter to see other houseplant census reports!
Maybe you could christen your home "Pothos House." 30 is a nice round number. I like how you've got them on shelves. Thanks for participating.
That's a good point re: pothos. I only have a couple--I should have more of them, since they do tuck in so nicely everywhere!
I really like the scene of your plants in the book cases. Very nice. Gives a nice warm feeling.
I like your built in bookshelves. I used to have lots of 'pothos' but didn't know of that term until now...thanks! Unfortunately on top of my high furniture pieces, like cabinets, hutch's, etc, I have silk plants...don't tell any garden bloggers, please! I just like the green look, but can't seem to keep indoor plants alive very long. I had forgotten about the basic plants that really aren't that fussy about lighting. This may prompt me to go plant shopping again...just like I did LAST Feb. Oh, I feel a post coming on;-)
I love how those pothos look on your bookshelf. And I love your bookshelf! Makes me want to go in there and read.
Your bookshelves look beautifully organized and the pothos draping from them add a nice counterpoint.
The beautiful trailing greenery in your bookshelf photo got to me, too - Leslie - do they make silk pothos?
Most of my pothos have croaked...the sun light's concentrated in just a few windows and none of the other plants will scoot over and let that Devil's Ivy in.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
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