Wednesday, May 14, 2008

GBBD May 2008

Many of the spring bloomers are hanging on today as the summer blooms are beginning...the pansies that will dry up soon, the iberis and snapdragons are finishing, the lavender trumpet vine is just about finished. The shasta daisies and society garlics will bloom any day signaling the real arrival of summer...and with the hot weather we've had the last few days I'm surprised they didn't make it in time for Bloom Day! I'm pretty happy with my new Black Beauty Hollyhock...I like the way it sets off the nearby Alstroemeria regina.

Hollyhock Black Beauty
White's looking good here but I don't have a good track record with white lavenders...I've only had this since last fall...we'll see how it goes!Lime Scented Geranium
White Carnation...I love the smell of reminds me of the corsages my Dad bought us for Easter many years ago!
Pink Carnation
Strawberry Scented Geranium

Alstroemeria Regina
Climbing New Dawn...I found this last year after looking for a doesn't require as much sun as many roses and at least for this spring has been blooming wonderfully in the partially sunny corner behind the kids' bench.
Brunfelsia paciflora (Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow)
Almost a swath! Salvia Blue Hill backed by Salvia Caradonna backed by pink pelargoniums.

The list for May 2008...
Pink Cosmic marguerites
Blue marguerites (felicia)
Bush Mallow
Alstroemeria Regina
Alstroemeria pink
Pink hollyhock
Hollyhock Black Beauty
Hollyhock Chater's Double
Yellow Columbine
Dwarf Carnation Evermore
White carnation
Pink carnation
Pink Pandorea
Salvia Dancing Dolls
Salvia May Night
Salvia Blue Hills
Salvia greggii Moonlight
Salvia Mulberry Jam
Salvia barrelieri
Abutilon Pink Parasol
Abutilon unknown pink
Lavandula pinnata bucchii
Lavender white
Lavandula Wings of Night
Sweet Pea Bush (Polygala)
Biokova Cranesbill
Rozanne Cranesbill
White Solanum jasminoides
Purple Solanum rantonnetii
Geranium citrosa
Geranium Staghorn Oak
Geranium Chocolate Mint
Geranium Scented Lime
Geranium Scented Rose
Nepeta Walker's Low
Wax begonias
Penstemon heterophyllus Blue Springs
Rosa Demitasse
Rosa Berries and Cream
Rosa Flower Girl
Rosa Climbing New Dawn
Star Jasmine
Lavender Trumpet Vine
Anisodontea Hibiscus Bits
Yellow snapdragons


Katarina said...

climbing New Dawn is one of my fovourite roses. I planted my second one this week.
You've got so many lovely flowers in your garden!
I must say your picture with the salvias is stunning...

tina said...

Is Davis in Texas? You sure have alot blooming.

Carol Michel said...

Lovely post for bloom day, as always. Your flowers look great. I'm reminded that a few scented geraniums would be nice to have this summer!

Carol, May Dreams Gardens

Sue Swift said...

I love the colour of your hollyhock. Mine are still in bud, and as the seeds were mixed i don't know what colours i'll get. Part of the fun!

Annie in Austin said...

Hi Leslie,

The Climbing New Dawn looks beautiful and I like the idea of a rose that will bloom without all day sun - do the individual roses stay pretty longer with some shade?

Our pansies and snapdragons look tired, too, but the Shasta Daisies are already blooming - scented geranium didn't make it over winter here. Your salvia definitely qualify as a swath!

It's interesting to see where our gardens overlap and where they diverge. I feel at home in your very established garden and hope mine will have the same feeling if I can stay in one place for more than a decade ;-]

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

Unknown said...

What a long list! I particularly like your swath of salvias, but 'New Dawn' is a beauty, too.

How nice that the carnations remind you of your Dad. I like memory plants like that. :)

Unknown said...

I almost forgot to ask: Why is that plant called "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow?"

Meems said...

Leslie- I just bought my first scented geranium- not sure it will do well here but I'm giving it a shot in a container. Your list of blooms is amazing. How much property do you have? That hollyhock is wonderful with its deep color adding interest to the Alstroemeria which looks great too.
The salvia qualifies as a swath I think!
Meems @Hoe&Shovel

Lya Sorano said...

Beautiful images, Leslie! When I saw your Hollyhock, I wondered "where in the world . . .", and then I saw "California". That explains it! My first Hollyhock of the year is just coming into bloom, and I've got to get my camera to talk to this new computer, so that I can upload some images also. Happy gardening, from a North Georgia grandmother to a California grandmother!

growingagardenindavis said...

I'm really liking the New Dawn, too, Katarina! I was so glad when I found it at Half Moon Bay Nursery, near my daughter's house!
Welcome Tina! No, I'm in California, just west of Sacramento. We are able to grow many of the plants I see on the Austin blogs though!
Happy May, Carol...I hope you do find a few scented geraniums...they're great for holding up blooms in a vase!
Sue...your balcony is looking beautiful! I hope the hollyhocks go well with all your pelargoniums!
Hi Annie! I'm really liking the New Dawn...the blooms are lasting longer than Cecile Brunner did and it is supposed to bloom a bit all summer...we'll see! Not all my scented geraniums made it either...I didn't move them all under the patio and apparently need to remember to do that in the future.'s Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow because yesterday the bloom was purple, today it's lavender and tomorrow it will be white...they fade each day. My "swath" is one plant each of the salvias but they do look full together, don't they?!
I'm not sure my yard qualifies as property, Meems, but the front yard is 21' by 33' and the main part of the back is 24' by 64'. I do have pots down the side yard and have to admit things are pretty full elsewhere. Good luck with your geranium...I really enjoy them and I know they can take heat. I'm not sure about humidity though!
Thanks for coming by, Lya! I'll look forward to your photos and happy gardening to you too!

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

I love carnations too. I have several blooming. They remind me of high school because we always sold them before events.(-: Is it hot there today? Its 109 here in Redding..we are roasting...(-:

growingagardenindavis said...

OK Cindee! I'll stop whining only hit 103 on my thermometer. I'm hoping they aren't wrong about this week being a bit cooler!

Unknown said...

That's quite a list of flowers for May. I covet the black hollyhock. I tried to grow them once but had trouble keeping them alive long enough to flower. They're biennials aren't they?

(Just realized, after typing this that you don't have comments turned on for non-Blogger users. If you are going to use moderation and word verification anyway, you might consider enabling comments for the rest of us--otherwise it's hard for us to join in the discussion.)

tina said...

Sacramento it is. Lucky you!

Anonymous said...

The beautiful gardening flower salvia has an excellent contest click on to
and here:
Enjoy salvia contest with vivid dreams.