I managed to get only a few photos at the San Francisco Flower and Garden Show before my camera battery died. Apparently it has not been my imagination that it's been needing a lot of recharging. So here is what I saw at the very beginning of the show...
A cute flower water feature...spraying into a re-purposed bathtub.
A most wonderful succulent-filled wall in the garden of Michelle Derviss of Garden Porn. I want one! Great evolution from the original idea.
Aeonium tabulaeforme...being a bit of a succulent-oholic I had to buy one of these...a succulent I'd never seen before!
A cool succulent....did I just notice succulents because I like them or where they really all over the place?
Not a great shot but interesting use of clay pipe for planting...not a new idea but well done.
I thought the sales areas were really overwhelming...how to choose where to buy your succulents, geraniums, perennials, orchids, dahlias...there were so many unusual plants especially at Annie's Annuals. But I was able to keep my purchases within reason...two African Violets, one pansy faced geranium, one aeonium tabulaeforme, and one Mulberry Jam salvia from Gold Rush Nursery where I also got a white rain lily. The blogosphere had a number of rain lily posts last year and while I'm hoping to find a pink one like Annie in Austin has I at least own a white one for starters!
The rest of the sales booths were equally over the top...lots of tools, accessories, clothing, and art as well as some random stuff you'd see at any craft show. I do have to admit my self-control slipped for a moment at Mrs. Dalloway's where I found a wonderful seed book for the day care kids and two(!) garden essay books I haven't read, as well as...well, something for my daughter the English teacher that I'd better not mention since she'll probably read this!
All in all a great day...made even better by the lovely bird sounds in the garden display area...an inspired addition to a beautiful setting.
Leslie, my rain lily came from Plant Delights and multiplies easily. I hope you can find some Labuffarosea locally... I'd love to share but sending plants to CA's fragile eccosystem isn't allowed ;-(
Long before I became a blogger I read Michelle's awe-inspiring posts at Garden Web-bet that show was wonderful. I'm so glad you got to see it!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
That is a cool-looking Aeonium - I wouldn't have been able to pass it up. I am going to have to come back to see what the Mulberry Jam Salvia will be like. I'd like one just for the name!
It sounds as if you were most restrained in your buying...
Last night I was looking at Garden Porn for the first time. It was incredible to see photographs from the display at the flower show.
Wow... what great plants you found. I love that aeonium, and I had to google 'Mulberry Jam' salvia to make sure it was as luscious-looking as I was imagining. (It was!) Michelle's succulent wall is absolutely beautiful. Like succulents-as-living-mulch, which is the way I like to use them in my garden. (Those that are hardy here, that is!)
I never thought I would like succulents but after getting a few last year, I think I am now hooked.:-)
How fun you got to attend the show. Those succulents are really cool-I am headed tom SF next month to visit my friends and intend to get some succulents for my garden!
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