Several hours later and the fog has cleared (mentally and outside) us the other side of winter in Davis.Here are two other blooms I meant to mention. And as long as I'm back I'll include photos, as well, of two blooms mentioned in the first post.
Rosa Flower Girl has one lone bloom...just in time before she gets a bit of a trim this weekend.
And the Leucojum aestivum (summer snowflake,
Mentioned in the earlier post but pictured now are cyclamen and pansies.
January is certainly still a colorful month in your garden. What zone are you in?
Carol, May Dreams Garens
Hi, Carol! I'm in Sunset zone 14, USDA 9. Shastas and hollyhocks should not be blooming. The rest are not unusual...although the plumbago sometimes (last year) dies back to the roots...and still may this's not too late for freezes here by any means!
Winter Summer Snowflake? I have the same misnomer problem with my Christmas Roses which bloom during Lent. Go figure. The complementary colors of the viola/violet/pansy thing really give that little plant a powerful punch!
Your garden sounds like an alternative high school, Leslie, full of "common winter bloomers, with the continued addition of a couple of misguided, confused overachievers"... but no matter why they bloomed, it all looks darned good from my desk!
I planted two small Solanum last spring and have yet to see one flower [supposed to be purple-blue] and a few years back planted bulbs of Leucojum, [recommended here in garden books] which did absolutely nothing. Guess they want to live in California!
Does Carol realize you've participated in every bloom day for the whole year? Congratulations on perfect attendance ;-]
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Welcome, Mr. McGregor's Daughter...I have to wonder if they bloom in the summer doesn't get cold enough here for Spring Snowflake!
Hi, Annie, I've found the purple-blue solanum to be the hardiest around here. I think sufficient sunlight is the key to blooms. The one I have that gets less sun and therefore hardly blooms is leaving soon...I just need to decide what to do with the spot. There are different leucojum...maybe a different one would work better for you?
It's almost like cheating for GBBD since I live in a place that makes it easy for me!
I love the picture of your garden. It looks inviting and lush with winter rains. Here in San Diego (also zone 9) I don't get enough rain to keep violets happy, so I particularly appreciate your pansy pictures.
Oh to still see a rose blooming outside! Oh well, in another month we can start to have hope that Spring will soon be here.
Leslie, Your colorful blooms are enviable. All I have is some over eager nasturtium and some barely hanging on marigolds -- too much orange/yellow no deep pinks and purples like you! Tell me more about Summer Snowflake. I've never heard of it. I absolutely love the look of Snowdrops are they in the same family? It is also reminiscent of Lily of the Valley another of my favorites.
Weeping Sore...thanks for the tip concerning pansies in San daughter lives in Encinitas and I do a bit of gardening in her courtyard...I'll have to keep an eye on your blog for future info!
Vonlafin...I'm lucky enough to have it right out my window so I can see it easily. You might have noticed the buds in the she didn't get a trim yet after all!
Christine...summer snowflake is Leucojum aestivum...grows pretty much like a weed...I highly recommend it! It dies back in the summer so I have it planted with other things like shastas. Then it starts coming up in about November and blooms quite a while. It's a bulb and multiplies quickly... if you're ever in Davis in the summer you could have some!
Your blooms are lovely...especially love that Snowflake! The only kind of snowflakes we have around here are the cold icy kind. :-( My eyes are craving a bit of color, so thanks for sharing a bit of yours.
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