Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Variety Is The Spice Of Gardening

I love reading garden blogs! I've tried to figure out what it is that is so addictive about them and I think I've figured out at least part of the deal. There are so many different approaches to gardening, so many different ideas about what a garden even is, so many different climates and conditions with which gardeners battle/are blessed. I find it all fascinating and, as I've said, addictive. But the main thing is the realization that we are all doing this because we want to; we enjoy the doing as much as the result. It is, as children's art should be, about the process, not the product. Oh, sure, we love the veggies and the flowers and I really enjoy relaxing in my garden with a good book and a cup of tea or glass of wine. I love being in a place I helped bring into being...a kind of place I find right for me...it is what makes me happy and peaceful and calm. It may not be what anyone else likes or enjoys but that's OK because it is my garden! Everyone here is suffering from the same compulsion/affliction...NEEDING TO GARDEN!... but the style, the finances, the goals, the timelines all vary. Some of the jobs may not be our favorites, and I have more than once begun a project and realized I must be out of my warped mind, but the result is almost always a success even if it is not what I set out to do. Our gardens are never done and never perfect but it is the journey that we crave...where we're going and how we're traveling may vary but we're sharing the stories of our travels and I, for one, enjoy the company.


Unknown said...

Me too! And it's kind of funny, but the more I read garden blogs and experience the dynamic exchange of ideas... well, the less I have patience for some gardening books. You know, the ones who decree what you "should" and "shouldn't" do--says WHO?!?! lol.

Kasmira said...

As a group, I would guess that gardeners realize that life is about the journey, not the destination. I wish I could get my husband to understand that!

meg said...

Thank you for articulating what I've been feeling; I'm a novice gardener &, in the horrid heat of this summer, wondered why in the world I'm putting myself thru this! It's a primal need, as a woman, to create & nuture. I'm enjoying reading garden blogs, both for inspiration & the quality of the company!

Carol Michel said...

For whatever reason, this is my first visit to your blog! I'm bookmarking it so I can get back.

I agree on the gardening. I have to garden, I just can't NOT garden.