Katarina over at Roses and Stuff has been kind enough to include me in a list of blogs that she enjoys reading and has presented us with the E for Excellent award. In accepting this award I am asked to pass it along to 10 other bloggers...as Katarina says, a difficult thing to do with so many wonderful garden blogs out there to chose from. So what I've done is take ten names from my Google Reader list...and here is my list of ten blogs that I enjoy reading..
Thanks so much for passing on the award and the kind comment. I'm flattered to be among such lofty company and to be recognized at your wonderful blog.
Billy G.
Wow... thanks so much, Leslie! It's flattering enough that you think so much of me... and then to be in such distinguished company on the list, too. I appreciate that. Definitely cheers me up, as on the first beautiful gardening weekend of the year... I'm stuck inside with the flu. :(
Thanks for including my blog as a favorite read. Like "garden wise guy" I am flattered!
Congratulations on your recent elevation to grandparent. I reached that lofty position somewhat (completely) by surprise eight years ago. Never the less its a lot more fun being a grand parent. All the fun with little of the downside of parenthood.
By the way being a grandparent seems to come much more naturally than parenthood. Must have been the practice.
Thank you Leslie! And I shall be happy to pass it on. As you say, there are so many blogs which deserve it. but the great thing about this award is that it's exponential, so sooner or later they'll all get covered.
Incidentally, I loved the rat post. As someone who usually gardens on a balcony I don't get much chance to attract wildlife - even the odd rat would be welcome :)
Leslie: Wow. I am honored and so appreciative you thought of me. I have put my list together to pass the Excellent Blogger on to which was really fun.Always a challenge to narrow it down to 10 but fortunately so many already have been awarded.
Have a great week.
Meems @ Hoe&Shovel
You're all very welcome...thanks to all of you for your entertaining, educational, inspiring posts!
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