Wax begonias, in containers, will die back to the soil and return in the spring. |
The garden is still blooming, despite a quick brush with close to freezing temperatures this past weekend. Now we are happily back with our lows in the 40s and enjoying a reprieve on the end of a lovely fall.
Plumbago underplanted with lavandula pinnata buchii. |
The plumbago has grown across the top of the Lady Banks arbor and now hangs down the other side. It is protected in winter by that evergreen banksia so even when it gets nipped a bit it always leafs out again come spring.
A passalong chrysanthemum has been divided and spread about the garden. |
These chrysanthemums appear in several spots in the garden. The earwigs enjoy them almost as much as I do so petals are often missing. Be that as it may, they still brighten up the fall garden. Dutch iris is spearing up through them, preparing to bloom on the other side of our short winter.
An echinacea planted a couple of months ago has its first bloom. |
I'm hoping this echinacea is longer lived than the ones I've had in the past. We shall see.
Gratuitous orange zinnia backed by shallots and garlic, used to break up the overabundance of pink flower photos.
Scented geranium |
Scented geraniums are some of my favorites...I love the foliage for filler in bouquets and they are such reliable long bloomers.
This holly leaf osmanthus has many non-holly leaves. |
It is possible to catch a whiff of the lovely scent of this osmanthus if there is a slight breeze. Otherwise one must stick one's nose in close to reap the benefits of that scent.
Dancing Dolls salvia blooms for months. |
Several of the salvias are still blooming. This Dancing Dolls plant was cut way back a few months ago and has responded by bushing up and showing off with a new round of blooms.
Yellow argyranthemum blooms almost year round. |
This is a great 'picking flower'. Every garden needs a few plants that have enough blooms to allow kids to have a bloom almost whenever they like. This argyranthemum fits the bill.
Loropetalum chinense Sizzling Pink is just beginning to bloom. |
Planted at least 5 years ago loropetalum chinense Sizzling Pink finally began to have a presence last year. I may decide to take the neighboring boxwood out to give it more space now that it has decided to stay.
A pink ivy geranium winds up into a black stem pittosporum which helps protect it in colder weather. |
I like planting tender plants, like this ivy geranium and the abutilon below, under evergreen shrubs. The shrubs protect the more tender plants during cold snaps and also offer natural support for them.
Abutilon Pink Parasol supported by black stem pittosporum. |
Rosa Berries and Cream. |
Berries and Cream was just about smothered by the s
olanum jasminoides that I cut back to the trunk back in September. It has thanked me for freeing it by offering up these blooms.
Other bloomers include sweet alyssum, Rosa Flower Girl, Salvia Dwarf Indigo Spires, pelargoniums, Italian White sunflowers, autumn sage, and pansies.
On the 15th of every month
Carol at May Dreams Gardens invites gardeners around the world to share what is blooming in their garden. Click on over for a look at lovely blooms!
You have a lot in bloom still, especially all of those lovely pink flowers. The blue Plumbago looks good, and is a refreshing colour at this time of year. How nice to have the early spring blooms getting set up to start the flower show over again. Your garden doesn't have much of a down time.
I use some evergreens, too, to give a boost and protection to the more borderline perennials.
Why do so I covet the pink flowers in your photos, Leslie - even when the same plant here does not thrill?
Maybe it's something about the Texas light.
My regular old osmanthus is smelling wonderful too. Happy GBBD and Happy Thanksgiving!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
It looks like summer in your garden. Love the pink flowers and that orange is a nice break. Well done!
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