There is a definite feeling of relief in the Davis garden...the possibility of frost is pretty much gone and everything is beginning to come to life . Many things are blooming and on our second go-round of Bloom Days I'm already seeing interesting that the first blooms on the Banksia rose are in the exact same area as last year! I guess that area is a bit closer to the house but... really...I'm curious why that spot is so eager. As many of my friends will tell you, I am not the most detail oriented person. I garden, as my husband would say, using the Force...I know what I like and apparently other people have been known to like it too... but I often don't really know why an area needs what I think it needs...I don't question it, I just do it. In any case, I'm enjoying taking photos and having thoughts about things like where the first blooms of the Banksia might be. And they really are the first blooms...there are only a few open flowers with hundreds (thousands?) left to come. Another beginning bloomer is my wisteria, of which I am very fond, unlike many other gardeners if last year's comments are any indication! The purple solanum has begun blooming again after a couple of months off and next year's lemons are just at the beginning of their journey. The Bradford pear is in full bloom as is the Iberis.
Pink Heuchera
Light Pink Abutilon
Abutilon Pink Parasol
Red Cyclamen
White Cyclamen
Summer Snowflakes
Solanum jasminoides
Vibernum Spring Bouquet
Iberis semervirens
Bush mallow
Dwarf Carnation Evermore
Marguarite Comet Pink
Camellia Jordan's Pride
Tulbaghia fragrans
Rosemary Tuscan Blue
Polygala dalmaisiana
Helipterum Sunray
Clematis armandii
Bradford pear
Santa Rosa plum
Flowering plum Krauter Vesuvius
Flowering plum Purple Pony
Freesia (the ones in pots)
Solanum rantonnetii
Meyer Lemon
Salvia...oh no...forgot to write name anywhere...
Daffodils (small pale yellow)
I like your wisteria and I remember your posts about it from last year. May the gardening Force be with you. It seems to be with you so far, that's a lot of blooms.
Hope you enjoy the flower show, and thanks for posting for bloom day!
Carol, May Dream Gardens
Great blooms! Your garden is looking very well! Happy GBBD!
You have lots of beautiful blooms. I love that clematis. Does it only bloom one time or does it bloom continuously?
I love your Wisteria & wish I had some. The fragrance of it is wonderful. Looks like spring is in full swing in your garden. Your pear just screams "spring!"
You have put together some very lovely vignettes. I especially like the iberis spilling over the smooth rocks.
clay and limestone
So much in bloom. I love wisteria, even without one of my own. But they are so breathtaking. Thanks for the tour.
I have that salvia in the last picture in my garden too!
Thanks, Carol and Gintoino! blooms only once but has been going a couple weeks.
It's true, Mr. McGregor's Daughter, I know it's spring when the plum blooms!
Gail...I like the word vignettes...I think that's the right phrase for what I work towards..what you see from this spot or that.
Hi Bonnie! Thanks for stopping by!
Chuck B., I saw the salvia at the San Francisco F and G Show's Dancing Dolls and now I remember getting it late last year and popping it in without recording anything:)
What a wonderful collection of blooms! I love Wisteria, even more so because I can't grow it here. Instead I've stenciled it on my garage wall and pretend that I can breathe in its scent. The Freesia are a beautiful colour.
You have an incredible array of flowers in bloom. Your garden must be a treat to walk through with the Pear tree blossoming and the Iberis flowing like a carpet of white.
The flower show sounds as if it was fun!
Your garden must be a dream, right now. So many adorable plants... I wish I had a wisteria, but I think thye are quite difficult to grow here in Sweden. It's a good thing though, that I can enjoy other gardens around the world!eqvald
/Katarina (Roses and stuff)
My goodness, what an array of flowers you've fitted in to what you call a small garden. It's wonderful, Leslie!
The similarities and differences in our climates wre accentuated by these bloom day posts, aren't they? There are Bradford pears blooming here, but I haven't seen wisteria yet and the first little Lady Banks rose opened today.
I want to walk on the brick path by that clematis!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Kate...Thanks for stopping by! I love the look of the pear blooms but truth be told they do stink!
Katarina...the opportunity to visit so many gardens is one of my favorite things about Bloom Day!
Annie...well..there's not much grass left! The path is available for any bloggers who make it to Davis:)
I llike the shot of the wisteria-I love lilac and blue flowers. Great that your garden is now "waking up".
Leslie, your gardens are beautiful!!!
Hi there Leslie, wow just look at your wisteria :-)
I have a white wisteria in my Scottish garden and it won't be in flower until May/June. GBBD is a great way to see the different flowering times of plants around the world. What a great selection of blooms you have :-D
Lovely flowers!
I had to wait to come and visit your GBBD post, Leslie, until I could at least have a hint of spring in my own! (Enough to know it will eventually come to this colder corner of the world anyway, lol.)
I knew I would see spring riches here... but this is quite a bit! I do hope that you show your wisteria in full later, though. I love seeing wisteria in bloom, although I don't have room for it here.
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