Saturday, January 12, 2008

Finches Ride Out The Storm

January 4th we awoke to the strongest winds we've had in over a well as pouring rain and no electricity. Much of Davis lost power for anywhere from one to three days...ours was out from 4 AM Friday until 11 Pm. We started the storm behind on year-to-date rain but the several inches that arrived helped push us ahead for the season. We still have a way to go to reach normal for the season (and you need to realize our rain comes in the winter...after March we rarely get anything that counts) but for now we're doing well. About 40 finches rode out the storm in my back the beams of my patio cover and over on the trellis against this wall. The top two rungs must have felt times there were 20 or more house and gold finches huddled there...but none on the lower rungs. However, even in the midst of the worst of the wind they took turns on the feeder out in the open.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Hi Leslie!

That was quite the storm we had! My husband and I were actually wondering where the birds go when it's like that. Your picture was so cute and sad at the same time!

Love your blog. Keep up the posting!

Katie at GardenPunks