Monday, August 06, 2007

Corn Harvest

We harvested our corn today..not a big crop by any means but everyone got to taste...and even the unpollinated ears served as a good visual for the kids as to how the corn grew. It takes a lot of space for what we got and maybe next year I can work on ideas to up our yield but the kids got a lot more than lunch out of it. And we had beans to go with it...we've actually been able to have beans twice a week for a couple of weeks and my husband and I have been eating them for dinner, too. So the beans are highly successful!


Carol Michel said...

Yum, the corn and beans look great and those kids seem quite eager to eat their harvest. What a fun place your house must be!

Annie in Austin said...

Oh, Leslie - what a sweet photo! Your child care work is more than a career- it's a calling.
